Why Should You Take Your Porbandar based Business Online?

Blog Author
Saurashtra Tech
  • Published Date: 11 Feb, 2021
  • Last Updated: 19 Nov, 2024
Why Should You Take Your Porbandar based Business Online? | Saurashtra Tech

The Internet has taken us the world and now its advent and no one can deny it, Today, every 1 in 2 people around the world is equipped with the internet, and now they can buy, sell, connect with anyone around the world - No matter how far they are. The power of the internet economy can clearly be seen and felt by seeing the growth of mega-companies like - Amazon, Flipkart.

These experiences have made us change our perception and minds of doing business traditionally. MSMEs, small businesses, and startups can make splendid profits by taking their business on the Internet. Harris Interactive, the survey found that 81% of small businesses that had an online presence - saw an increase in new customers, lead to a positive impact on sales and profitability.

Gartner’s research found that 30% of small businesses with a web presence generated more than 25% of their revenue online. If this data doesn’t convenience you enough we have more reasons to prove the effectiveness of doing business online. Here are the 5 best reasons to start your business online.

Reasons to take your business online

1. Non-Stop Business 24/7/365

Your traditional business - offline services business can generate leads and inquiries while you are closed and customers need to come-again once you open the next day. But your website can operate as your 24/7 salesperson to make money or generate leads.

One of the main benefits of having an e-commerce website is that your potential clients can read about your products/services and place orders at any time — day or night. On regular business days or holidays.

Even when your business closes for the day, automatic online systems can ensure sales don’t stop. We have seen some cases in which automatic online sales during off-hours were more than your regular sales during business hours.

2. A website (Online Business portal) makes your business more Credible.

84% of Indians believe that having a website for a traditional business is crucial now to grow their business and expand their sales, having a website helps you showcase your products/services, process, awards, reviews, and many more things to help the potential customers to buy product/services from your company.

Along with that having a good social presence over the internet may help your business to gain brand identity to set yourself apart from others.

3. Go Global

Your Traditional Business is limited to the number of individuals who can visit you at your operating hours. But with a good website, you can literally have thousands, even tens of thousands, even millions of people visiting your online store at once. Imagine the potential for your company, if you could expose your products and services to a potentially unlimited number of interested people for your products/services.

To increase your online traffic to thousands and millions is difficult for an individual to do so, but our professional team at Saurashtra Tech can assist you to reach that goal by using various marketing and branding techniques like - Digital Marketing, Content marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Brand Identity Designing and much more is a great way to increase traffic to your site / online store.

4. Minimize Operations Cost

Just one single decision can make a significant difference in cost savings. For instance, receiving orders online reduces the need for customer service staff. By having sales and product information, images of products/services, processes, awards, reviews, all online, a lot of money saved!

Because online businesses generally aren’t tied to a location, they require less work to maintain. This is particularly true in cases where physical products, distribution, rent, and other costs are non-existent. By simply adopting an e-business solution, your business can reduce more than 5% of the cost and this 5% savings can turn into 50% profit in long run for your company.

5. Minimal Cost of set-up

Starting out online means very low startup costs. You have no buildings to construct, no vehicles to buy and few (if any) staff to hire. Simply build your site and start selling. Putting your company online simply gives you new customers.

Once upon a time, setting up a business online cost business owners a fortune. Today, however, getting online is affordable. This means that everyone is equal at the same level let it be - small businesses or major corporations. So now your business has no boundaries to limit growth potential and grow your business immensely as you want. Now, It’s up to you to take advantage of the low start-up costs and get online.

The reality is you can outsource a lot of the technical stuff like - Web design and Development and even other things such as social media marketing to expert professionals in an agency like Saurashtra Tech “putting your business online”. Is Too Much? it may just sound too complicated or too risky. But handing technical tasks to expert professionals can make it as a pie.

What are you waiting for?

Want to take your Business Online?

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Saurashtra Tech

[**Saurashtra Tech IT Industry**](/contact/) is a Porbandar-based digital agency - Delivering Global Level Digital Solutions to businesses, Startups of Gujarat.